Monday, December 21, 2009

Notes from Deniz - Day 5

Hello All,

I feel tired and dry today but meeting is in its full speed.

So, for me, the morning started in Christiania in the Climate Bottom Meeting. Today's subject is "Democracy and Conflict Resolution" There were really very good presentations. By the way the web page of the Climate Bottom Meeting is . First presentation was from Wongsanit Ashram from Thailand, where I have done the 5 week EDE training in the beginning of this year. Then, the different conflict resolution tools from Damanhur Ecovillage in Italy. I have missed the big part of the Wongsanit Ashram presentation so difficult to talk about but the Damanhur presentation was fantastic.

I particularly liked the metaphor they have used to show what it is like to be in a community and the function of conflict. They have shown the picture of the stones in the river and asked "Were these stones rounded like this forever?" The answer was of course "No". So how they have end up rounded? Their answer was; by being in a community!!!:) So they drew an analogy between the stones bumping each other in the water and the conflict experienced in the community. They said; Conflicts are there to help us to round our sharp corners. I liked the analogy they used. By living in Findhorn for two years, I know that conflicts may arise in community more often than the mainstream lifestyle. Though this may not be true for everybody.

Another piece they have shared and I really enjoyed was their perception of diversity. Conflicts, of course arise because we are different. Their perception of diversity as a community is "Diversity is our richness" but in a way not something we need to tolerate, or it is good to have, or that we need to learn to be with. It is because diversity is the richness and joy of the life and so conflict is natural and an opportunity for growth if it is well managed and resolved.

I know that diversity can be challenging and can be seen something to be tolerated because we want to be inclusive. But our attitude towards diversity is very important.

One last piece about conflict which I have learn when I was in Findhorn is "Conflict is an invitation for intimacy (intimacy=into me you see)"

Then our friends from ZEGG ecovillage from Germany arrived and made their presentation and sang songs, in the picture. They also mentioned a specific tool they have invented to resolve conflict called The Forum. One of the important parts of the Forum is feedback. There is a web page about Forum if you want to learn more. The web address is:

I was planning to stay whole day in the Christiania but realized that Vandana Shiva will give a talk in Klimaforum so put myself together and run to Klimaforum in the city. But guess what? Her plane from Bhutan was canceled and she could not come! And she will not be in Copenhagen till tomorrow evening. Here we go! An opportunity to practice "the impermanence and change" again! Oh well I am not very good at it. And I missed the talks of the spiritual leaders in the tent!:( Anyway, it is the way it is! Hope to listen Vandana Shiva in the coming days of the meeting.

Back to tent, I found myself in the middle of a talk about "Civil Disobedience" The woman who was giving the talk shared that the 80% of all CO2 emissions are produced by 122 corporations worldwide! Only 122! And invited us all to the Big Marching on 12th of December and a big protest on 16th of December.

Last piece, the funeral of the day was "The Military Industiral Complex"

Be well

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