Monday, December 21, 2009

Notes from Deniz - Day 4

Thank you for all your e-mails really! Very supportive.

Oh well, today, I do not know where to start and how to put things together. There has been so many inspiring events, this may require two e-mails!!!! But may be I just start with the opening ceremony of the Klima Forum yesterday.

Yesterday I mentioned the KlimaForum's openning in an hour. It was a very impressive opening. After the opening talks there was a concert with ice! So some musicians by using the big blocks of ice were making music. At the beginning it seemed like an interesting idea to me but nothing really too special. However, as time goes I got the message behind! As the time went on and the concert continued, of course, the ice started to melt! First we started to hear and sea the little drops... then small pieces of ice fell apart.... then big blocks started to break apart and it was all happening on the stage and the music was going on and the all thing was so "mean" Very wise composition!!! Unfortunately no nice photos from this it was too dark!

So this was yesterday's bit. If we come to today, I was in the ClimateBottom Meeting in Christiania in the morning and back to big hall, the KlimaForum in the afternoon.

What was happening in our tent in Climate Bottom Meeting in the morning? Today's topic was "Men and Money -Towards a Local Exchange" I have got to listen very good speakers and the inspiring talks. One of the very impressive one was the Ross Jackson's (PhD) talk from Gaia Trust in Denmark. You can see him in the picture. Ross is an economist, the co-founder of the Global Ecovilage Network, founder of the Gaia Trust and the trainer and the supporter of the EDE-Gaia Education and also in the board of the Gaia Education. You can google him if you want to learn more, it would be too long to write here what he has said even in summary but he basically talked about why structures like UN, EU, WTO, IMF will never work for the climate or more healthier planet, because simply, what needs to be done for a better planet is not politically-feasible! He also had some suggestions how to move forward. But also he is writing a book and it will be out in the first half of the coming year.

For me, the most striking statement of today was from Ove Jakobsen, Professor at Center for Ecological Economics and Ethics. In some part of his talk, he mentioned that "The fish caught in Norway, sent to China to be processed and then back to Norway to be consumed, just because it makes profit!"

Here we go....what to do ...overwhelming!!! When I heard this, I felt so overwhelmed and I had pain!"

And today's funeral was "The Economic Growth"


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